Holiday Fitness Challenge at Athlete’s Arena

Benefits of Increasing your Workouts through the Holidays

The Holidays are coming, and we all know what that means! Our lives get so busy that we sometimes skip the gym. Need a reason to keep going, and maybe even go more often? Read on to find the benefits of increasing your workouts through the holidays:


1: Reduce Stress.

As magical as the holiday season is, that magic doesn’t come without stress! After all momma’s…. Someone has to create all this magic, right!!!! exercise is proven to boost our mood, help us sleep, help us focus and reduce stress!!! So when your holiday schedule starts filling up with parties, events and demands, be sure to make your workouts a priority instead of the first thing you forgo!!!


2: Combat Holiday Weight Gain!

Unfortunately we rarely gather without sweets and treats which can add up quickly! Exercise helps combat those extra calories by burning more, building muscle which increases your metabolic a rate (how efficient you burn calories at rest) and helps increase your willpower when faced with unnecessary calories!


3: Fight Seasonal Depression!

Daylight gets shorter, temperatures drop and sometimes just getting off the couch can be a challenge. For many people this can lead to seasonal depression. Exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and bring a sense of accomplishment. Getting in an outdoor workout during daylight hours provides additional benefits with increased sunlight exposure.


4: Maintain Structure in your Life!

Daily routines provide needed structure which decreases stress, depression and weight gain! Maintaining your exercise schedule provides structure to your day which will help you stay on track with food intake, sleep schedule and provide a framework to prioritize the holiday demands.


Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

If you want to reap the benefits of increasing your workouts during the holidays, join our Fierce Ladies’ Holiday Weight Loss Challenge!

October 18th – December 12th

Accountability and encouragement through the holidays to keep you on track and starting the new year off ahead of your resolution! Paired with the awesome Fierce Ladies classes, you will be set up for success this holiday season.

PLUS: Weekly prizes and a CASH Grand Prize!

$20 Entry Fee. Sign up by Oct 15th for a free T-shirt. (Fierce Ladies Group Training not included.)

Learn more and sign up on our Holiday Challenge page, pay via Venmo @Leigh-Sternenberg.

Call or text Leigh Sternenberg for more details, 803-553-5599.