Game Changer


Testimonials from our HIGH SCHOOL Athletes

football icon

Rising Junior, football player

Training for 6 months

"[Spring Practice] went great! I feel like I'm 10 times better at drills and shuttles and don't look like an idiot while doing it. I've definitely improved my speed by using my arms to run. My coach even made a comment that I look much better than last year. I appreciate everything you taught me coach. Thank you."

Our Game Changer high school athlete training program prepares high school athletes for competitive success in their sport. This stage in athletic development can make or break an athlete. Athletes may exhibit a high level of talent, but they need to allocate a significant portion of time to training skills and physical capacities in order to graduate to the next level and maximize long-term potential. Our focus for these athletes is in refining technical aspects of their movements and building maximal force production through aggressive strength training. Like all of our sports performance training, as training intensifies, we place a greater emphasis on recovery and mobility in order to maintain health and reduce the risk for injury.

Due to the customized nature of this training, the Game changer program is by appointment only.

Program emphasis will be placed on:

  • Progressive strength training
  • Developing proficiency in testing protocols (vertical jump, 20 yd shuttle, 40 yd dash, etc.)
  • Understanding the basics of program design
  • Advanced recovery and injury prevention

Is your teen ready to get serious about their sport?

Free evaluation included with the program.

We're just a short drive from all of the area High Schools!